sábado, 25 de febrero de 2023


Hi everyone,

We are here again, with some physical education news.

In this second part of the course, the students of 1st and 2nd grades have become into ninjas and are improving their motor skills: throwings, jumps, turns and balance.

In order to do that, we have used the the well-known TV program called "Ninja Warrior" to increase the children's motivation. We have turned our gym into a training ground where diferent challenges have been built. Here we let you and example of what this program consists of.

All of our students are working their best to improve all their skills and becoming true ninja warrriors. 
And you? Do you want to become a ninja warrior too? So we encourage you to go out and start working in yourself. 

Maybe one day, we will have an own ninja warrior program for our school, but until then we will keep training. Good luck!

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