miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Distance Learning in Physical Education

Hello everyone!

So I usually start this off by asking how are things going, but now I assume things are a little upside down for you right now.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


Kids can get healthy to the core by strengthening their cores! A plank is an easy ab workout to do at home. Just start in a push-up position, then bend your elbows and rest your forearms flat on the ground. Then, flex your stomach muscles and hold!

For an easier version of this exercise, start from your knees. Make sure your back stays flat. You can do these for 20 seconds or until you get tired.


Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It claims to improve health and happiness.

Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union.
Patanjali was a pioneer of classical yoga. He defined yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind". (stopping changing the mind).

A person doing yoga will move from one posture (called asana) to another. For example, the "sun-salutation" contains 12 poses of asanas, one after the other, and is said to help balance body and soul. The "sun-salutation" is popularly known as "Suryanamaskar".