martes, 6 de junio de 2023


Hi everyone,

Here we are again, with information about our 3rd and 4th grade students. During this last quarter of the year we have been able to playing different rythm games and practicing for viral challenges as the Double Dutch Bus Challenge.

In order to improve the coordinative and rhythmic abilities of our students we have playing under different types of stimuli, being able to mention musical games such as the musical chairs or visual games, such as the Just Dance.

But the most interesting part of this unit, was the collective creations of varied coreographies to get over the challenge unit: the Double Dutch Bus Challenge.

In this challenge, the students have to adapt their steps to the playing grid, introducing jumps, way changes, claps, gestures and also their clothing. Here you have, some examples.

Bye, bye. See you soon!! 

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